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Center for Information Systems and Networks, Tele-education, Communication and Distance Education(CSRT)


Presentation :


The Center for Systems and Networks of Information, Communication, Tele-education and Distance Education is one of the important services of ENS-Constantine



It includes three (03) sections:

Networks Section

Information Systems Section

Distance Learning and Distance Education Section


Missions :


The Center for Information Systems and Networks, Tele-education Communication and Distance Education is responsible for:

-          The management of all the institution's IT (Information Technologies) resources and the guarantee of IT services continuity.

-          The development and management of the institution's websites and applications (pedagogy, library, etc.).

-          The provision of connection to intranet and internet networks, the guarantee of network security and the operation of the various services offered (Mail, fire, etc.) and finally the maintenance of the institution's IT equipment

-          The support for all operations related to e-learning in the institution.


Organizational chart :

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