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The Practical Training


The Practical Training


Head of the Department: Benjalloul Faiza

Telephone : 031786068

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The practical training is a "field internship" that the students must go through during their graduation year. It lasts about 16 weeks and it constitutes the students’ first contact with the professional world. 

The practical training consists of three phases


The Observation Phase (from November to December): This is the time for trainees to SEE the activities, events and elements that make up the educational act that takes place inside the educational institution and the classroom. It lasts about 02 weeks. Trainees visit the training institution to which they are assigned once a week. Each trainee is required to write a report, and complete a training copybook and an observation grid which will be evaluated by the supervisor who is a teacher from the ENSC. The student-trainee is also evaluated by the teacher-trainer. These scores, weighted by a coefficient, enter into the student's overall assessment.


The Alternate Phase (January): During this phase, which lasts about three weeks, trainees go once a week to the training institution accompanied by their supervisor who will monitor their progress. The alternate phase allows trainees to gradually begin to participate in the various teaching and supervision tasks. 


The Full-Time Training Phase (January-February): During this final phase which lasts for three weeks, the trainees go to the training institution every working day according to the training teacher's schedule, along with their supervisor, to take in charge all the training teacher’s activities.


Training documents (to download and print)


In Arabic


-          Training copybook in Arabic

-          Observation grid in Arabic

-          Interview guide in Arabic

-          Training  guide in Arabic

-       Training  in Arabic



In English


-          Training copybook in English

-          Observation grid in English

-          Interview guide in English

-          Training  guide in English

        Training in English



In French


-          Training copybook in French

-          Observation grid in French

-          Interview guide in French

-          Training  guide in French

-      Training in French

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