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Internal Regulations


Lectures, attendance, and absences in lectures and exams :


-                    Attending lectures is necessary, and making it an obligation is left to the discretion of the pedagogical team. As for the attendance of directed work, practical work, and practical lessons, it is mandatory and the teacher must check attendance in each session.

-                    The student must respect the time tables established by each department.

-                    The student is excluded from the course because of six (06) unjustified absences and ten (10) justified absences during the year.

-                    The justification is not accepted if it presented to the administration within three days after the absence. The head of the department marks the justification with the date of its filing before it is handed over to the department coordinator, and a copy of it is included in the student’s file.

-                    A student is considered to have dropped out if he does not attend lectures during a whole semester of the academic year, and he/she is, therefore, excluded.  A list of the dropouts must be transmitted to the Office of University Services.

-                    The dropout or excluded student is permitted to reintegrate classes only once during his academic course, after his file is closely studied and according to the pedagogical places available.


Academic Leave


A one-year, non-renewable academic leave can be requested for exceptional reasons (chronic illnesses, maternity, long-term illness, family obligations related to the student’s parents or children ...). The application must be submitted with justifications to the department before the first exams. The student's reintegration at the end of an academic leave due to a medical reason may be subject to the opinion of a medical expert appointed by the institution.

Behaviour and Discipline


-                    Students must be well-behaved, have a decent appearance, and respect public morals. Respectful dress is required; however, shorts, shirts, sportswear...etc. are not allowed. Covering the face in any way inside all school premises is not allowed too.

-                    Students are subject to the rules of public morals, respect for others, good treatment and tolerance, and they must preserve the institution's property. In particular, they must respect the fundamental rules of hygiene, appearance, and good behaviour.

-                    It is forbidden to bring strangers to the administrative and pedagogical premises.

-                    It is forbidden to drive cars and park them in the places designed for pedestrians.

-                    It is not permitted to walk or play on the green grounds.

-                    It is necessary to respect the rules governing the conduct of pedagogical activities.

-                    To ensure a good conduct of studies, gatherings and noise in front of classrooms and amphitheaters are not allowed.

-                    Instructions of the halls and amphitheaters guards must be respected.

-                    Smoking is strictly prohibited in the school's pedagogical and administrative spaces.

-                    No student has the right to take out any item belonging to the school without permission.

-                    Any breach of the internal regulations is liable to one of the penalties stipulated in Ministerial Resolution No. 371 of June 11, 2014 relating to the organization of disciplinary boards.

-                    Students must present their cards any time they are required to do so by the school’s guards.

The Composition and Powers of the Disciplinary Board




At the Ecole Normale Supérieure Assia Djebar of Constantine, there are:

-                    A School disciplinary board

-                    Disciplinary boards for each department.


In case there is no disciplinary board at the department, the school's disciplinary board will perform all its tasks.

-                    The disciplinary board is established by a decision of the school director.

The disciplinary board is composed of :

-                    Five permanent members and five additional members, who are elected by and from among the teachers of the body in question.

-                    A permanent member representing the students and an additional member, elected by the students of the body in question.

-                    The disciplinary board is chaired by the chief member of the authority in question.

-                    The department's disciplinary board is responsible for deciding on first-degree violations committed at the department.

-                    The school's disciplinary board is responsible for deciding on second-degree faults committed at the school scale.

-                    The school’s disciplinary board is responsible for looking into the faults, regardless of their degree, committed inside the school, especially faults committed in pedagogical and administrative spaces that are not attached to any pedagogical structure belonging to any particular department.

-                    It functions as an appeal body against the decisions of the disciplinary board of the department.

-                    It has the power to decide on requests for reintegration and for pardon.

-                    The institution’s disciplinary boards may be entrusted for three academic years, taking into account that graduating representatives of students are replaced by other students.


The offenses for which a student can be punished are classified into two degrees, according to their gravity:

First Degree Offenses


 First degree offenses are the following:

-                    Every attempt to cheat, proven cheating or proven cheating with premeditation in an exam.

-                    Every case of non-compliance with the instructions issued by the administration, researcher teachers or those in charge of security.

-                    Every unfounded request for a second correction of an exam paper.


Second  Degree Offenses

Second degree offenses are the following:

-                     Cases of repeated offenses of the first degree.

-                    Hindering the appropriate running of the institution, organized disorder, violence, threats and all cases of abuse.

-                    Carrying any objects with the intention to harm the physical safety of teachers, administrative and technical staff, employees and students.

-                    Counterfeit and the use of counterfeit and editing the content of pedagogical and administrative documents.

-                     Impersonation.

-                    Defamation against all university staff and students.

-                    Deliberate behavior that would cause disorder and impede pedagogical activities, such as obstructing or interrupting classes and exams, disruptive gatherings....

-                    Thefts, abuse of trust and misappropriation of the properties of the institution, teachers and students.

-                    Deliberate damage to the property of the institution, such as appliances, furniture and accessories.

-                    Insult and abusive speech against all employees (teachers, administrative staff, technicians) and students.


Refusal to comply with legal oversight on campus.

Offenses not mentioned in this decision, may be classified by the disciplinary board among first and second degree offenses, according to their gravity and consequences.





The penalties for first-degree offenses are the following:

Verbal warning

Written warning

A reprimand to be included in the student’s disciplinary file

A zero out of twenty score is automatically allocated for the exam in which cheating or an attempt to cheat is proven.

 The penalties for second-degree offenses are the following:

-                    Exclusion from the course concerned with cheating. This exclusion inevitably leads to the disapproval of the results obtained by the student in this course.

-                    Exclusion from the current year. This exclusion inevitably leads to the disapproval of the results that the student may have obtained in this year.

-                    Exclusion for two years including the current year from all higher education institutions. This exclusion will inevitably lead to the disapproval of the results obtained in this year.

-                    The period of exclusion is included in the student’s university course.


The penalty decision is:

-                    Transmitted to the student concerned with the fault.

-                    Is included in his/her academic file

-                    Is published in the institution

-                    Is transmitted to other higher education institutions and the National Office for University Services in case the exclusion period is at least one year.


The penalized student may petition in writing to the school Director for pardon. This petition shall be submitted in writing, dated and signed by the student is question, within fifteen (15) days after notification of the decision.

After the penalty period has been exceeded, the student is entitled to enjoy all his university rights again.

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