ENSC Boards
Board of Directors
The School is managed by a board of directors, made up of the director assisted by Deputy Directors, the General Secretary and the library curator. The Institution also has bodies for the evaluation of educational and scientific activities.
The Board of Directors meets at least twice a year to study and suggest appropriate measures to improve the functioning of the institution and to help in the achievement of its objectives.
The deliberations of the Board of Directors take place in plenary session and are voted by a simple majority of the votes of the members present. In the event of a tie vote, that of the president is decisive. The deliberations of the Board of Directors are recorded in minutes.
Board of Administration
The school's Administrative Board is made up of the Director, Deputy Directors and heads of departments. It meets at least twice a year in ordinary sessions at the request of its president.
The Board of Administration studies and suggests any appropriate measures to improve the functioning of the school and to help in the achievement of its objectives.
The Scientific Board
The School's Scientific Board is made up of the director, deputy directors, heads of departments, directors of research laboratories, chairs of scientific committees, and the Editor in Chief of the “Revue de l’Enseignant”.
The Scientific Board meets at least twice a year in ordinary sessions at the request of its chairman.